What's On

     Glos_Meth Eco award 

What's On

28 July 2024

Bishop’s Cleeve Methodist Church

 Bishop’s Close, Bishop’s Cleeve, GL52 8NT


 Minister: Rev Jayne Webb (tel. 01684 298650)

Lay Community ​Outreach Worker: Andrew Maxwell

(tel. 07594 988 396)



10.30am: Welcome to you all and especially to Rev Dr Richard Clutterbuck from Tewkesbury who will lead our worship which contains Holy Communion. Please stay for refreshments in the hall if you can.



This week


Monday 29 July:

12.45pm-1.45pm: The weekly prayer meeting meets in the Quiet Room to pray for the Church activities of the week and for anyone known to us who would like our prayers. If you know of anyone who would like us to pray for them, or someone else, could you let either Pauline, Ruth or Andrew know, or email him on [email protected]. You should obtain the person's permission before doing so.

2pm-4pm: Meet Up Mondays meets here. Please come along to help or enjoy, and please bring a friend to enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Andy Dunn, an IT specialist, will join us again, to provide advice to anyone who may have an IT query. If you have any problems with your computer, why not come and see Andy for some free advice.


Wednesday 31 July:

9am: The ecumenical Holy Communion service here will be led by Rev Steve Ward. As always, a warm welcome awaits you.

2pm: The Wednesday Fellowship meets here informally for tea and a chat. Just drop by and meet up with your friends. All are welcome. 


Thursday 1 August:

2pm: Please come along to the monthly film club and bring a cake if you can.



A message from Andrew



I am hoping to start a fortnightly bible study group in September, which will be held at 2pm on the second and fourth Thursday in the month. If anyone would be interested in coming to it, would you please let me know, so I can start making the necessary arrangements? Thank you.



Further ahead


10 August: 3pm: If you are planning on going to the Tea Party at Tewkesbury Methodist Church, please could you let Ruth or Elizabeth know so that we can give the good folks at Tewkesbury an idea of how many of us will be there. Also it would be helpful to know if you could offer a lift to others who might need one, please. We hope there will be good support for this from Bishop's Cleeve as it will be a lovely opportunity to get together for fellowship with others from all of Jayne’s five churches! 



Other notices


Thank you to all who collected on behalf of Action for Children and to Beryl Couling for organising it. A total of £280.70p was collected.


“The Trustees and the Volunteers of the North Cotswold Foodbank, would like to thank all at Bishop's Cleeve Methodist Church for the food donation received recently, which weighed 11.82kg.”

Thank you also to Andrew who organises the collection


There are still copies of Crosspoint, the magazine for Jayne's churches, on the table at the back of the church. Please take one and enjoy the contributions from our members and learn about the activities of the other churches.


Next Sunday 4 August


10.30am: Our worship will be led by Pauline Jones, one of our members and a local preacher.




What's On


Please send any contributions for the next edition by the end of Wednesday 31 July to [email protected]

Thank you.